
Dr Darko Jevremović, Principal Research Fellow of the Astronomical Observatory, passed away


Darko Jevremović was born on May 16, 1968, in Zagreb, and went to school in Osijek and in Slavonska Požega, where he finished high school in 1986, to become a student of astronomy at the University of Belgrade.

In 1991, he graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade and won the prize of the Professor Zaharije Brkić Foundation as the best student of the school year 1991/92. He defended a master’s thesis about the UV spectroscopy of the red giant μ Cephei in 1994 in the same university and got his PhD degree in 2000 from the Queen’s University of Belfast in the field of stellar spectroscopy.

After finishing his studies, he was employed by the Research Station Petnica as the director of the astronomy and astrophysics program. In 1994, he started working in Astronomical Observatory, where he was promoted to the highest research position of Principal Research Fellow in 2016.

During his career, he held several postdoctoral positions: in the Arma Observatory, where he also worked as a PhD student (1998-2001); in Queen’s University of Belfast (2001-2003); in the University of Oklahoma (2003-2006) and in the Royal Observatory of Belgium (2006-2007).

He worked in the fields of stellar physics and stellar spectroscopy, and radiation transfer, where he made significant contributions to the modeling of stellar atmospheres with the PHOENIX software. He was also active in the field of computer science, as the Principal Investigator of the Group for Astroinformatics of Astronomical Observatory, the Serbian Virtual Observatory project, and the Astroinformatics project funded by the Serbian Ministry of Science.

He was the coordinator of the Serbian initiative to join the LSST program of the Rubin Observatory, and took active part in various collaborations surrounding LSST, especially those related to the organization and the sending of alerts.

His scientific contributions were recognized by the Astronomical Observatory, which granted him two awards: the award for young researchers in 2001, and the award for scientific contributions in 2008.

Darko Jevremović passed away unexpectedly on July 11, 2024, at the age of 56, in Supetar in Croatia.


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