О нама - About us

Scientific Council

The Scientific Council of the Observatory is an expert body that oversees scientific work. Its activities are related to the scientific research of the Observatory and include the development of research programs and strategies, project proposals and evaluation of achieved results, analysis and assessment of the research conducted by the staff, as well as appointing the committees and making the rulings related to the acquisition of scientific, research, and professional titles.

The Scientific Council supervises the overall scientific activities of the Observatory and informs its scientific policy. It also participates in organizing conferences, publishing activities, scientific collaborations, and other tasks, to ensure the successful implementation of research activities.

The Scientific Council consists of all researchers with scientific titles employed at the Observatory, and the President of the Scientific Council is elected from among the researchers with the highest scientific title, Principal Research Fellow. The current President of the Scientific Council is Dr. Srđan Samurović, and the Deputy President is Dr. Ana Lalović.