Scientific Collaboration
Astronomical Observatory has extensive scientific collaboration with institutes in the country and abroad. Scientific collaboration takes place through joint projects, but also through specific activities such as observational activities, collaborative work on specific scientific problems, and participation in the development of instruments or techniques for observing astronomical phenomena.
The Observatory collaborates closely with the following scientific institutions in the country:
- With the Department of Astronomy at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, in almost all scientific areas conducted at the Observatory, particularly in the education of young professionals.
- With the Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, in the field of ionosphere research and light pollution.
- With the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in the field of gravity and gravitational theory testing.
- With the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in the field of space science and technology.
- With the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, in the field of geodesy and astrogeodesy.