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Colloquium AOB 11-Dec-2024 - Electron-positron pair creation in electrosphere of compact astrophysical objects

The next Colloquium of the Astronomical Observatory will be held on Wednesday, December 11, at 12 PM in the Library.

Speaker: Gregory Vereshchagin, ICRANet

Topic: Electron-positron pair creation in electrosphere of compact astrophysical objects

Resume: Hypothetical quark stars or neutron stars with very stiff equations of state may develop strong electric fields on their surfaces. When electric field strength exceeds the Schwinger limit prolific electron-positron pair creation becomes possible. At zero temperature this process is blocked due to the quantum degeneracy of electrons; however, it should be possible when compact object is just formed. Recently the mechanism of pair creation in hot electrosphere was revisited with the conclusion that its rate was previously greatly underestimated. Cold electrosphere, when it is radially perturbed, is capable of pair creation as well. I will discuss physical conditions and mechanisms for compact astrophysical objects to produce electron-positron pair outflows, as well as their observational consequences.

The talk will be recorded and posted on the Observatory's Youtube channel.


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