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Research units

Group for Dynamics of Planetary and Stellar Systems

Dynamical map of one part of the Solar System beyond the orbit of Jupiter, taken from Todorović, Wu & Rosengren, Science Advances 2020.
Animation of the motion of the asteroid 2244 Tesla, imaged on AS Vidojevica.

Research subjects of the Group for Dynamics of Planetary and Stellar Systems:

  • Studying the dynamics of small bodies of the Solar System (asteroids and comets)using numerical methods.
  • Dynamical mapping of the Solar System.
  • Study of the long-term motion of resonant asteroids in the Main asteroid belt, as well as the study of their dynamical evolution under the influence the Yarkovsky effect.
  • Observation of radio sources visible in the optical domain at large international observing projects such as Gaia CRF, Gaia-FUN-TO, WEBT and obtaining data for the study of photometry and morphology of celestial objects.
  • Within the group, observations are made from the Astronomical Station Vidojevica.

Group members:

  • Ivana Milić Žitnik (PI), research associate
  • Nataša Todorović, senior research associate
  • Goran Damljanović, principal research fellow
  • Miljana Jovanović, senior technical associate
  • Nikola Knežević, technical associate

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