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Serbian Astronomical Journal


Vladimir A. Srećković.

BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation, Page 67-68,
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation, November 25-29, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, Edited by Vladimir A. Srećković, Aleksandra Kolarski, Milica Langović, Filip Arnaut and Nikola Veselinović
Published by: Scientific Society Isaac Newton Belgrade
Published: 15. 12. 2024.

Abstract: Severe solar radiation and activity can lead to a number ofnatural disasters, disrupt space communications and electrical equipment on Earth, and produce sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs) (see Srećković et al. 2021; Šulićet al. 2016). This work focuses on the analysis of ionosphere plasmas and their properties, as well as the investigation of SIDs utilizing very low frequency (VLF) radio signals to forecast the impact of strong radiation o society (FutureMed), supported by COST. - FULL TEXT available in PDF.
International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation