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Serbian Astronomical Journal


Milan S. Dimitrijević.

BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation, Page 11-12,
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS AND CONTRIBUTED PAPERS - International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation, November 25-29, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia, Edited by Vladimir A. Srećković, Aleksandra Kolarski, Milica Langović, Filip Arnaut and Nikola Veselinović
Published by: Scientific Society Isaac Newton Belgrade
Published: 15. 12. 2024.

Abstract: Atomic data are of great importance for modelling and investigations of different plasmas in astronomy, laboratory and technology. In particular, Stark broadening data or data on widths and shifts of spectral lines broadened by collisions with charged particles are needed in a number of different topics, like in astrophysics, for inertial fusion experiments, laser design and development, laser-produced plasma research, different plasmas in technology and industry etc. Stark broadening data for lines of onized copper are needed for example for diagnostics, spectral analysis, modelling and optimization of laser-produced plasma in front of copper target in photon and ion irradiation of metal nanoparticles and other copper-based experiments involving plasma. Such data are of interest also e.g. for stellar abundance determination, stellar atmosphere modelling etc., since Cu ines have been observed in spectra of various stellar types. Recently, electron- impact (Stark) full widths at half intensity maximum for 22 spectral lines of singly charged copper ion (Cu II) have been calculated (Dimitrijević, 2024) by using the modified semiempirical method (Dimitrijević and Konjević, 1980, see also Dimitrijević, 2020). The calculations have been performed for an electron density of 1017 cm−3 and for a temperature range from 5 000 K up to 80 000 K.The obtained results, have been used to demonstrate similarities and regularities of Stark widths of Cu II spectral lines within a multiplet, a supermultiplet and a transition array. The obtained results have also been compared with the results of experiments and other theoretical data. Here, we will present the corresponding article (Dimitrijević, 2022) and the obtained results. - FULL TEXT available in PDF.
International scientific conference: Meeting on new trends in Astronomy & Earth Observation